

看看这个博客,博天堂入口是会员, Informed Solutions’ Chief Innovation Officer David Lawton reflects on the current state of AI in the Public Sector. 他分享了他对未来道路的看法, outlining how Public Sector leaders can work with industry experts to unlock opportunities for transforming the quality of services for citizens.

人工智能(AI)为公共部门提供了巨大的潜力, 谁被困在有限的投资和过多的新经济中间, 社会, 以及环境挑战.

We find ourselves at a critical inflection point between ambition and execution for AI in the public sector, 并通过交付获奖项目与客户, 参与行业论坛并与学术界建立伙伴关系, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on both the challenges and transformative possibilities AI presents.

当前的挑战:野心vs. 执行

的 obvious potential for AI in the public sector has led to a surge in pilot and Proof of Concept projects. 然而, 成功地从实验转变为有影响力的项目的数量, 全国范围的部署仍然有限. 的 数字的领导人 2024年3月的人工智能态度调查凸显了这一差距, revealing growing concerns about organisational capability to convert pilots to real-world business value, 给人一种人工智能项目投资回报率低的感觉.

Earlier this year I was invited onto a panel discussion at the 数字的领导人 Public Sector Innovation conference, 以及来自工程和养老金部的专家, 国家审计署和唐宁街10号.  在讨论过程中, I reflected that we’re currently in the foothills of AI adoption in the public sector and there are many parallels with the first wave of digital transformation from a decade ago. 在早期阶段, 人们专注于将基于纸张的流程放到网上, rather than re-imagining how services and their operating models could be transformed and made ‘digital-native’.

记住这段经历, it’s easy to draw parallels with a lot of the AI work currently taking place within public sector estates: individual pockets of AI are being deployed as a small part of end-to-end services (e.g. 为客户转接电话的聊天机器人, 自然语言处理搜索非结构化数据, 通用生产力工具,如Copilot). That’s not to say that there aren’t significant benefits to be realised by tackling the low-hanging fruit of repetitive manual work, 但这些进步只触及了可能性的表面.

的 real question that emerged during our panel discussion was whether we are truly setting an ambitious enough vision for transforming public services with AI.


展望未来, Informed团队担心,市场将面临一段“垃圾人工智能”时期:孤立的解决方案, quickly deployed to take advantage of open-source data science and cloud-based LLM technologies without a deep understanding of models’ underlying foundations, 限制, 以及训练他们的数据.

This not only risks poor service performance but also presents the very real potential for issues relating to privacy, 道德, 偏见可能会破坏公众信任,并为可持续转型制造障碍.

并行, 前沿人工智能技术的发展将继续呈指数级增长, developing and showcasing remarkable technical achievements (for example OpenAI’s Sora text-to-video model). Such developments clearly provide profile and commercial benefits for the organisations that develop them, but they also help to prepare society as a whole for a future world in which these capabilities have a revolutionary impact.

随着人工智能的前沿发展不断向通用人工智能的方向发展, it will fall on society at large to discuss and decide how and where it’s safe and appropriate to deploy these capabilities. 的 recent EU AI Act is a great example of developing regulation in this area: clearly setting out situations in which AI systems currently represent unacceptable levels of risk and prohibiting them.


对于所有前沿的创新, 提供真实的, on-the-ground change requires the safe and 道德 integration of new capabilities into real-world products and services, which in turn requires the transformation of established organisational and service delivery operating models.

在通知, 我们专注于保险箱, 安全, 道德, and effective rollout of nationally-scaled AI programmes like a first-of-kind AI-based decision support platform which is helping NatureScot manage the protection and sustainable development of environmentally sensitive areas across Scotland. 我们很高兴这项工作刚刚获得了一个享有盛誉的 博天堂入口政府数字规划创新奖 基于在效率和客户满意度方面经过验证和量化的实际效益. 我们团队的人工智能和数据科学能力也得到了认可 全球创新奖 from the World Innovation Technology Services Alliance for our work in partnership with the NHS to better understand and learn from patient safety reports across a wide range of care settings.

What’s made these projects so successful has been our approach of embedding data science as an enabler for innovation within multi-disciplinary teams with complementary expertise in user research, 服务设计, 安全, 工程, 质量保证.

Just because these new technologies offer a novel approach to delivering services doesn’t negate the value of established disciplines like User Centred Design. Our Communities of Practice are embracing the disruptive and transformative opportunities offered by AI, tackling questions such as: “What does 服务设计 look like in a world of pro-active agents and conversational interaction?”, and “What makes for good content design when content is dynamically generated based on a user’s goal?”


Embracing AI in public services is not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about fundamentally transforming how services are delivered to better meet the needs of citizens. 这种转变需要对用户需求有深刻的理解, 对公平的承诺, 安全, 治理, 以及创新的战略方针.

通过优先考虑道德创新和以用户为中心的设计, 我们的目标是释放人工智能的全部潜力, ensuring that public services are not only 更高效的 and responsive but also more aligned with the values and needs of the communities they serve.

引导人工智能在公共部门的未来, we remain focussed on delivering solutions that are not just technologically advanced but also socially acceptable and responsible, 并与公共服务的更广泛目标保持一致. 通过继续教育, 建立信任的, 和领导能力, 我们可以利用人工智能的变革力量,创造一个更加光明的世界, 更高效的, 以及公共服务更具包容性的未来.

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